A Day of Anger

Over two decades ago, I heard about “pork barrel”. I heard about congressmen. I heard rumours about them dipping their hands in the barrel. I learned about corruption.

Today, we still hear about it. But it is no longer just rumours. It is out in the open. Exposed by whistleblowers and the media. And it is in staggering numbers: P10 BILLION!!! That’s a lot of money. That’s a lot of roads, highways, and bridges. That’s a lot of classrooms. That’s a whole lot of food.

How can a simple citizen get away with squirrelling off such a huge amount?

The only answer is that there’s a web of collusion within the corridors of power behind her and others like her in their theft, in their robbery in broad daylight. Collusion in the form of active participation. Collusion in the form of accepting “gifts”. Collusion in the form of neglecting responsibility, neglecting due diligence. This is not just about the pork barrel. This is about the need for change.

On Monday August 26, there will be public gatherings to protest, to show indignation, to show anger, yes the people are angry, at those who are putting us down, at those who are grinding us down. Many will not be able to go, many will choose not to go. But wherever you are, show that you are indignant, show that you are angry, show that you want this outrage to stop. Post about it, text about it, shout about it.

If nothing changes and we all go down, we didn’t go down with nary a whimper.