Baby’s Afternoon Out

Yesterday, Michelle went to Divisoria with Yvette and my mom-in-law. So I was left with Jeanne after breakfast. We played with her Duplos and watched YouTube videos on the iPad. I also told her we’re going to Gymboree in the afternoon.

After lunch, I gave Jeanne and bath, dressed her up, and then took a shower myself. We were sitting on the sofa watching TV while waiting for Gretchen, when Jeanne suddenly went over to me, asked me to carry her, and then in minutes was asleep. She slept for over an hour while I continued watching TV. When she woke up, the first thing she said is “I want to go to Gymboree.”

So off we finally went. Since this was her third or fourth visit, I decided to go ahead and get a membership. They offered me the annual membership which costs P1800 and comes with 5 GymPlay coupons (GymPlay normally cost P350). They were already done with the paperwork when I noticed a “lifetime” membership in their literature. I inquired about it and it costs P3600, comes with 10 play coupons, and it’s good for until the child reaches 5 years old (I guess “lifetime” sounds more enticing marketing-wise). I went for that instead.

After Gymboree, we went to get groceries, another activity Jeanne enjoys. We didn’t have to buy too much stuff so we were done pretty quickly. Just as well since I needed to join a family meeting.

We got to the meeting just in time. While it was going on, Jeanne played, drew, and occasionally would ask for my attention. After the meeting, we headed home and to mommy.