How To Have More Time With The Family

I’ve always been interested in having my own business, manage my own time, and thus have more time with the family. Which is why I found this article particularly interesting. How to be your own boss—and have more time with the family. What’s not to like? One of the observations on the benefits of managing your own time contains a nugget of wisdom:

“This was a big plus when I became a mom because I was able to stay home and be hands-on with my boys (and squeeze in work whenever I have the chance, usually when they’re sleeping). I get to bring them to school every day, spend time with them at home.”

That is how it should be: Squeeze in work (and workplace related activities) into your schedule. It shouldn’t be the other way around where you squeeze in family into your schedule. I resolve to do that… even while I’m still a cubicle denizen.