10 Things Men Find Unattractive

This article is hilarious. Imagine Chris Rock saying it. Can apply to men just as well. Summarized below:

  1. The Thirst – The Thirst can be described as women who are overly eager to find a man. The Thirst will turn her into chatty Cathy/desperate Debbie and the desperation is unattractive.
  2. Bad Hair – Can we talk about that funky smelling weave with the tracks showing because that’s not a good look. Or my natural sisters — who think dry and flaky is the new it do.
  3. Unkept Private Areas – I’m going to need you to shave under your arms because that hair brings funk. This brings me to your next private area, I’m not asking you to get a Brazilian. But I need you to trim up a little.
  4. Angry For No Damn Reason – Seriously, no one likes the angry woman, who’s always angry, never smiles and is extremely difficult to be around.
  5. Clothes – Some women think that kangaroo pouch is what’s hot in the streets. IT’S NOT. Know your body type and dress accordingly. That Bohemian look is cool and all but the white tank top that’s turning yellow, can’t say it does the trick.
  6. Unkept Feet and Nails – Simply put, a mani/pedi is your friend. And tip them well so you no longer scratch my legs in bed.
  7. Sense of Entitlement – Listen, chivalry is not dead but women who act as though they are entitled to a man’s wallet got to go. It’s unattractive and it’s downright classless.
  8. Curses like a sailor – If I can’t bring you home to momma we can’t roll. Have a cup of class and act like a lady not a garbage man.
  9. Promiscuity – You’re sleeping with every tom, dick and harry and that’s cool but don’t expect me to think it’s sexy.  I’m all for this sexual liberation business but I need you to have some tact and some discretion with your sex life.
  10. Posture – No one wants a woman all slouched over looking sloppy. You can do it put your back into it.