
There’s a recent spate of vampire movies brought on by the Twilight series (yeech!). Of course, this is nothing new, there’s the Lost Boys, the Blade Series, the Underworld series, etc. But Daybreakers is a vampire movie with a twist: Instead of humans being the majority, vampires are. It does make sense when you think of it. After all, vampires are vastly superior to humans in a fight. And humans are a dwindling food resource hunted and, eventually, farmed. And so in this, alternate world, an intrepid group of human rebels work to freeing humanity and creating a cure for vampirism. Aside from this unique twise, there’s some action and a bit of human (vampire?) drama injected in.  The result is novel,  entertaining, and fun (in a gory kind of way, if you’re into that kind of thing).

Rating: 3/5