Terminator: Salvation

terminatorsalvationTerminator and Terminator 2 were pretty good science fiction movies. At the time of their release, the concepts were still pretty far fetched. But things are different 20 years ago. Robots are here and very much active. In Afghanistan, unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs which are essentially flying robots are busy assassinating suspected terrorists. In Iraq, small robots called TALONs are doing highly-dangerous bomb disposal. And the US army are thinking of arming the TALON and converting them into SWORDs. Terminator still far fetched? Definitely not.

And so the newest Terminator movie, Terminator: Salvation, is less of a science fiction movie and more of an action movie. This nature is further reinforced by the use of some current day weapons and vehicles. The action is nothing special but at least it has an epic storyline that ties up neatly with the previous Terminator movies.

Rating: 4/5