
I went with my brother James and brother-in-law Edong to observe them playing badminton. I’ve played badminton before but not in a long long time. I’ve practically forgotten everything about it so it was as good as new to me.

Playing itself seem to be quite interesting. It was pretty fast-paced and dynamic. They worked up a good sweat in just a short while. However, just watching for three hours (are they hard core or what?) sure is boring :P

At the end, I decided to try it out. It would be a great opportunity to bond with them while playing. And maybe even with friends who play badminton. That would be pretty much everyone, so yes I’m feeling a bit left out. Another reason I want to try it.

Our next stop was to get a pair of shoes. We went to a nearby mall where they helped me pick a good but inexpensive pair. Badminton is hell on shoes and you gotta pick a good one. It is the most important piece of equipment for this game. They also tried to convince me to get a racket but I decided I’ll try out theirs first. Less expensive entry :D