Apeks ATX50

The Apeks ATX50 is the descendant of the famous AT50 regulator favored by many advanced divers. But it is smaller and lighter. It has a pressure balanced system which reduces breathing effort at depth. It also has venturi control and cracking resistance control to adjust breathing performance to your taste. I tend to just put them all at the max setting, though. The only less-than-good thing about the ATX50 is the exhaust which is rather small and if you’re upright, delivers exhaust bubbles straight up your face. But then you won’t be staying upright most of the time, will you? ;)

Again, I haven’t used too many 2nd stage so I can’t say much except that it works and it works well :P I’m pretty happy with the it but I know of someone who isn’t. Your mileage may vary.

Rating: 5/5